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Option Information for Vehicles Manufactured by General Motors


As you already know, an original equipment vehicle can be worth many times over what you would pay for one that has been modified to make it appear as something it is not. We provide vehicle-specific data for your vehicle to help you identify its original build status.

This information is available for Canadian produced or U.S. produced and sold in Canada cars and trucks from 1945 to current, and for U.S. produced and sold cars and trucks from 1977 to current.


Please contact us directly so that we can forward the correct request form to you.


Heritage Certificate for Canadian Vehicles 1964 and Newer, Imports 1967 and Newer

This information is now only available as a Heritage Certificate with an embossed seal to prevent unauthorized duplication. Forms are self-explanatory and offer a 'Rush' service option. Information is provided for Canadian built or US imports to Canada in 1967 and newer. As available includes original selling dealer, production or shipping date, production location, original exterior colour, interior colour, type of engine and transmission, a listing of all option codes ( and verbal description )with which the specific vehicle was manufactured, and detailed engineering specifications for the year and model of your vehicle. Quantities of your particular model of Canadian produced or sold vehicles are also provided as available.


Canadian Vehicles 1963 and older, Imports 1966 and Older

For most Canadian vehicles produced before 1964, the information available is generally limited to production date, quantity produced for Canadian sale, original exterior and interior colour, engine number, size, horsepower for Canadian built cars, and detailed engineering specifications for the year and model of your vehicle. No option information is available as it was not retained for individual vehicles. Selling dealer information is available from approximately 1958.

Note: If your vehicle does not fit into one of these categories, contact us to see if we can get some information for you.


Sample Option Sheet Vehicle 1964 and newer     Sample Option Sheet Vehicle 1963 and older



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